I learn something every time I draw. I always have a goal and an image of how I want my piece of art to turn out. But I try to keep my focus more on the process than on the product. My work doesn’t always turn out the way I envisioned, or even to my satisfaction. But I always learn something. Telling myself I’m DRAWING TO LEARN, instead of learning to draw, helps me to stay objective about my own work and not get caught up in a success/failure mentality. And, I DO learn to draw all along the way.
I developed a series of DRAWING TO LEARN tutorials based on the things that were hardest for me to learn. I have discovered that most obstacles in successful drawing—of any style or media—have in some way to do with perceiving and rendering 4 things: angles, planes, proportion and composition. Below are links to You Tube videos, 8 to 12 minute in length, of exercises that helped me and many of my students to develop those 4 skills.
ON SOME CELL PHONE DEVICES. You can view the tutorials directly on You Tube by going to that website and searching: LucyEllenSmith.
Click on the links below for short tutorial videos on YOU TUBE about beginning to identify and render angles in a drawing or painting:
L1(Lesson 1) FindingAnglesExercise
Click on the links below for short tutorial videos on YOU TUBE about beginning to identify and render planes in a drawing or painting:
L10 (Lesson 10) Planes Pitcher Still Life
Click on the links below for short tutorial videos on YOU TUBE about beginning to identify and render accurate proportions in a drawing or painting:
Click on the link below for a short tutorial video on YOU TUBE about beginning the process of composition by choosing what to include in a drawing or painting:
Click on the link below for a short tutorial video on YOU TUBE about seeing and rendering tone or value (lights and darks) in a graphite drawing:
Attached is an article from the Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine, about art classes in Lucy's studio.